Monday, April 24, 2023

Electrolyte Drinks for Pregnancy: The Ultimate Guide for Expectant Mums

 Electrolyte Drinks for Pregnancy: The Ultimate Guide for Expectant Mums

Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time, and staying hydrated, is it an important factor in your pregnancy journey? But what is the importance of electrolytes, and what is the best electrolyte drink for your pregnancy?

We are here to tell you that it is crucial for the health of both the mum and baby. Also introduce you to the best electrolyte drink for pregnancy. And why Isomum is such and important addition to your routines from early on in pregnancy right the way through to nursing too. You can check our post on the science behind Isomum here.

Which hopefully you can agree after delving into this topic with me how important an electrolyte drink for pregnancy really can be. And increase its level of importance.

So lets cover some basics in hydration and water for pregnancy.

So, water is a huge factor in maintaining a healthy pregnancy in order to keep up the increased fluids for you and your baby.

The increased demand on your body which includes proper hydration becomes ever so more critical during this time.

Expectant mums need to consume more fluids to support the various physiological changes they experience and to ensure the healthy development of their baby. The increased blood volume, amniotic fluid production, and foetal circulation all contribute to the need for greater fluid intake!

But, just increasing fluid intake without having a consideration of electrolyte balance can increase your chances of further problems.

We will break down why this is important to consider, the risks involved and what you can do about it!

So fear not!

Let’s start exploring the benefits of electrolyte drinks for pregnancy and introduce you to our top pick: Isomum, the ultimate pregnancy hydration isotonic drink and how it benefits you and your little one.

So let’s start by covering the main ingredients in the perfect electrolyte drink!

Electrolyte drinks are designed to replenish essential vitamins and minerals that help regulate fluid balance. These support vital bodily functions in order to keep you healthy, and fit for days when you’re not feeling your best! The increased demand on your body and any disruption that can occur during this special time can be very demanding and rewarding if managed well.

Electrolytes that are well taken care of can usually keep you fit for a marathon, but in this occasion we are delving deep into the importance of it during these most vital months when your body is peeked to perform for one of natures most special gifts, a new baby!


This mineral helps maintain fluid balance, supports muscle function, and plays a crucial role in nerve impulse transmission, but what does that mean?

What is nerve impulse transmission and sodium play a part in?

It’s like a game of telephone inside your body. Imagine your body has many tiny messengers, these nerves help different parts of your body talk to each other. When you want to do something, like lift your hand or wiggle your toes, your brain sends that message to the right nerves.

The message travels along the nerves. The message moves from one nerve to another until it reaches the right place, moving your hands or toes. Once the message gets there, it tells your muscles what to do, and they move the way you wanted them to. That’s how nerve impulse transmission works – it’s like a super-fast game of telephone that helps your body do everything it needs to do!

So if you can see, this would be vital in order to keep you moving and is essential for your baby too!

But sodium is lost through sweat, and its levels need to be replenished to prevent dehydration so it’s important to replenish sodium if your levels drop!


Potassium is a helper in your body that has a few important activities. Imagine your body is a big town, and the cells are each house in that town. Potassium helps keep the right amount of water in each family home, so everyone has the right amount of water in order to keep everyone perfectly content and ultimately hydrated.

Potassium is also like your very own wingman/BFF for your muscles. When you want to move or get things done (like giving birth!), potassium helps your muscles contract or squeeze so you can keep up with your physical demands. And we need that support when we are trying to get anything done.

Finally, potassium helps your nerves talk to each other. Think of your nerves like a group of friends holding hands in a circle. Potassium helps them share messages so they can work together.

When you’re going to have a baby, it’s even more important to have enough potassium in your body because the baby needs it too. So, during pregnancy, it’s essential to make sure you have enough potassium to keep both you and your baby healthy, moving and happy.


Magnesium is your own personal super hero in your body. It’s got many functions, lets just break down it’s jobs. This is the binder to keep your body in tiptop condition creating the building blocks of proteins.

Magnesium is also there to help your muscles and nerves perform well together, so you can keep moving and your nerves are firing and cooperating well together. Obviously without this you could see some complications.

If your magnesium levels are too low, it’s like having fewer helpers in your body to do all the important jobs. When this happens, you might start to feeling the effects take place.

Low magnesium can also make it harder for your nerves to send messages to each other. This can make you feel a bit shaky or wobbly, like when you’re trying to balance on one foot and your body just isn’t playing ball!

Your muscles might feel tired, weak, or even a little twitchy, like when your eye starts blinking uncontrollably. You might also feel cramps in your muscles, like when your legs hurt after mild energetic exertions.

Also, when your body needs to process your food and it struggles to use it and turning it into energy you start seeing some weird things happening. It becomes harder for your body to use the energy from the food you eat. This can leave you feeling tired, even when you’ve had plenty of rest.


So, chloride is the thing in our body that a lot of people don’t really talk about, but it actually does some pretty important stuff. So, your body has a lot of water in it. Well, chloride helps keep the water in the right places, so everything stays balanced and working properly.

It’s also pretty handy when it comes to digestion. When you eat something and your stomach has to break it down, chloride is the little helper that makes sure everything gets digested just the way it should.

Oh, and it’s got a role in blood pressure too. Think of it like a traffic cop that helps control the flow of blood, making sure it doesn’t go too fast or too slow.

Now, if your chloride levels were to get too low, things could get a bit difficult. Your body might struggle with keeping the right amount of water in the right places, which could leave you feeling puffy or dehydrated (I’m thinking ankles ladies!). Also, your stomach might have a harder time breaking down food, which can be pretty uncomfortable and make you feel bloated. And when it comes to blood pressure, not having enough chloride could cause it to be always either too high or too low, and that could make you feel dizzy or lightheaded.

So, even though chloride might not get all the attention, it’s pretty important to make sure our bodies have enough of it to keep everything running smoothly!

Can a woman drink electrolytes during pregnancy?

The short answer is: yes, it’s totally fine and actually important to as well!

When a woman is pregnant, her body goes through a lot of changes, and staying hydrated becomes even more crucial. Drinking water is essential, of course, but there’s more to hydration than just water. Electrolytes, like sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium, play a big role in keeping the body functioning properly.

Electrolytes take care of the tasks like balancing fluids, keeping muscles moving, and helping nerves send messages. During pregnancy, a woman’s body needs more fluids to support the baby, so having the right balance of electrolytes becomes even more important.

Drinking electrolytes can help pregnant women maintain that balance and stay properly hydrated. This is especially important during pregnancy because dehydration can lead to problems like headaches, dizziness, and even contractions.

So, in a nutshell, not only can a woman drink electrolytes during pregnancy, but it’s also a great idea for her too. It’ll help you stay hydrated and keep your body functioning at its best, which is super important for both mother and baby’s well-being.

Drinking electrolytes during pregnancy is a pretty important thing to consider for a mum-to-be!

Why electrolytes are important for pregnant women

So, let’s cover why electrolytes are particularly good for pregnant women. As you know, staying hydrated is crucial during pregnancy, and electrolytes play a key role in helping the body achieve that. But there’s more to it than just hydration!

First off, electrolytes help support a healthy blood volume. During pregnancy, a woman’s blood volume increases to provide enough oxygen and nutrients to both her and the baby. Electrolytes like sodium help maintain the right balance of fluids, ensuring that this increased blood volume is properly managed.

Secondly, electrolytes can be great for easing common pregnancy discomforts. For instance, leg cramps are pretty common during pregnancy, and that’s where magnesium comes in handy. It helps to relax the muscles, reducing cramping and discomfort.

Like we covered before, electrolytes can help with energy levels. Pregnancy can be quite tiring (I’m sure you’ve heard that before!), and electrolytes like potassium and magnesium play a role in keeping those energy levels stable.

Lastly, electrolytes are essential for a healthy nervous system, which is obviously important for both mum and baby. They support the proper functioning of nerves, which in turn helps with the baby’s development and keeps the mum feeling her best.

So, electrolytes offer loads of benefits for pregnant women, from supporting healthy blood volume and easing discomforts to keeping energy levels up and ensuring a healthy nervous system. It’s no wonder we recommend it.

How to recognise electrolyte imbalance during pregnancy

Recognising an electrolyte imbalance during pregnancy is important, as it can help you address any issues and keep yourself feeling your best. So, let’s cover some signs that might indicate an imbalance.

Fatigue or weakness

Firstly, if you’re experiencing unusual fatigue or weakness, it might be a sign that your electrolytes are a bit out of whack. I know, I know – feeling tired is pretty standard during pregnancy, but if it’s more than the usual pregnancy fatigue, it could be a clue.

Muscle cramping

Another sign to look out for is muscle cramping, twitching, or spasms. These could be an indication that your magnesium or potassium levels might be low. Nobody wants to deal with muscle cramps on top of everything else that comes with pregnancy, right?

Dizzy spells

Dizziness and light-headedness can also signal an electrolyte imbalance. This might be because of issues with blood pressure regulation, which can be affected by imbalances in electrolytes like sodium and chloride.

Heart rate

Lastly, if you notice changes in your heart rate, like it suddenly becoming faster or slower than usual, it could be another indication that your electrolytes might not be balanced.

What if I suffer from electrolyte Imbalance?

Now, if you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s a good idea to have a chat with your midwife or doctor. They can help figure out what’s going on. If you see all or any part of these then it probably signifies electrolyte issues and could be a good idea to get started on some Isomum. Your body will thank you for it!

But if you need expert advice on how to get your electrolytes back in balance, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health during pregnancy!

So, keep an eye out for those signs, and don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional if you think you might have an electrolyte imbalance. Your body will thank you for it!

Best electrolyte drink for pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, it’s essential to find a way to stay hydrated that meets your unique needs. And while there are loads of electrolyte drinks on the market, it’s not always easy to find one specifically designed for expectant mums. That’s where Isomum comes in.

Isomum is a fantastic option for pregnant women seeking an electrolyte drink that caters to their particular requirements. The carefully crafted formula contains just the right balance of essential electrolytes, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride, all while using natural ingredients and steering clear of artificial nasties. It’s sugar free but still tastes good as well.

But it’s not just about the formula. Isomum also understands that taste and convenience matter, especially when you’re juggling the demands of pregnancy. That’s why it comes in a blackcurrant flavour (more pending), making it easy to keep your hydration levels topped up throughout the day.

While other electrolyte drinks might be an option, there’s something special about choosing Isomum that’s specifically designed with mums-to-be in mind. It’s a tailored solution that supports your hydration needs and overall well-being during pregnancy.

So, if you need an electrolyte drink that’s perfect for pregnancy, Isomum is the safest most perfected option.

More information on enjoying a healthy pregnancy

A healthy pregnancy is super important for both mum and baby, so let’s chat about a few tips to help make sure you’re doing everything you can to stay healthy and happy during those special nine months.


First up, let’s talk about nutrition. Eating a balanced diet is essential during pregnancy, as it provides the vital nutrients both you and your baby need. Be sure to include plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. And don’t forget about prenatal vitamins – they’re a great way to fill in any nutritional gaps!

Keeping active

Next, staying active is a fantastic way to support a healthy pregnancy. Gentle exercise, like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga, can help with blood circulation, mood, and overall well-being. Just make sure to check with your healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine.

Prenatal care

Another important aspect of a healthy pregnancy is regular prenatal care. Attend all your appointments, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare team with any questions or concerns. They’re there to support you and ensure both you and your baby are in good shape.

Keep away from stress

Lastly, it’s crucial to manage stress during pregnancy. It’s normal to feel a bit anxious or overwhelmed at times, but finding ways to relax and de-stress can make a world of difference. Consider trying meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even prenatal massages to help you unwind.

So there you have it, a few key tips for a healthy pregnancy! Remember, taking care of yourself is the best way to take care of your baby, so focus on staying hydrated, nourished, active, and relaxed throughout your journey.

I hope the information we covered serves you well and these tips help you feel more confident about creating a healthy environment for you and your little one!

Electrolyte Drinks for Pregnancy: The Ultimate Guide for Expectant Mums

  Electrolyte Drinks for Pregnancy: The Ultimate Guide for Expectant Mums Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time, and staying hydrate...